Stay Strong, Look After You and Your Mob

Stay Strong, Look After You and Your Mob Campaign

The Stay Strong, Look After You and Your Mob campaign aims to increase knowledge of improving social and emotional well-being strategies, that support families and communities to gain and maintain their optimal level of SEWB. 

The term social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) is the preferred term as it refers to the physical wellbeing of the individual and also the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community.

This definition recognises the importance of connection to land, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community.

Tips to improve your social and emotional wellbeing

What can you do to improve your SWEB

It is really important that we take care of ourselves so we can look after our families and communities. Think about some things that you can do that help you to relax, improve your wellbeing or may help reduce your stress.

These could include:

  • go for a walk
  • spend time with your pets
  • have a full health check/assessment
  • talk to someone that you can trust
  • read a book
  • get a good night's sleep
  • maintain a healthy diet
  • exercise regularly
  • have a cup of tea or a glass of water in a quiet place
  • listen to your favourite music
  • do some painting
  • have a warm bath
  • get a massage
  • ask for help - it's ok to ask for help from family, friends, your doctor or a counsellor
  • go back to country
  • join a women or men's group
  • go fishing or camping
  • get some financial advice
  • call a helpline

Campaign Materials

The campaign materials consist of social media posts, social media tiles, posters, radio adverts, radio adverts in language, and a community kit.


Do things that make you happy
Yarn to someone you trust
Connect to country and culture
Stay Active
Yarn to someone you trust - Kriol
Yarn to someone you trust - Martu
Yarn to someone you trust - Ngaanyatjarra
Social Media Post 1 - Do things that make you happy (opens in new window)

Staying happy and healthy is all about doing what makes you feel good. So, take time to enjoy yourself! Try a new hobby, open a good book, or just treat yourself to some well-deserved rest.

Social Media Post 2 - Yarn to someone you trust (opens in new window)

Spending quality time with your mob is what makes life special, and it’s a great way to look after yourself. So go on, have a feed with family, yarn to mates, mum, dad, aunty, brother, cuz, sister, nan or pop! Reach out to someone you feel comfortable to chat with about how you’re feeling. 

Social Media Post 3 - Connect to country and culture (opens in new window)

Staying in touch with country and culture is important and it’s a great way to look after yourself and stay strong. Get together with mob on the land and share yarns, go to a local language class or join a dance group.

Social Media Post 4 - Stay active (opens in new window)

Having a healthy body helps to keep you emotionally strong and connected, so make time to get some physical activity into your routine. Go for a walk or a swim. Plus, keep plenty of greens on your plate and get a good night’s sleep.

Social Media Post 5 - Do things that make you happy (opens in new window)

Staying happy and healthy is all about doing what makes you feel good. So, take time to enjoy yourself! Try a new hobby, open a good book, or just treat yourself to some well-deserved rest.

Social Media Post 6 - Yarn to someone you trust (opens in new window)

Spending quality time with your mob is what makes life so special, and it’s a great way to look after yourself. It doesn’t have to be face to face, you can call, text or FaceTime. Reach out to someone you feel comfortable to chat with about how you’re feeling.

Social Media Post 7 - Connect to country and culture (opens in new window)

Staying in touch with country and culture is important and it’s a great way to look after yourself and stay strong. Go out bush and hunt for goanna, kangaroo or bush turkey. Have a cuppa with your Nan or Pop and share yarns.

Social Media Post 8 - Stay active (opens in new window)

Having a healthy body helps to keep you emotionally strong, so make time to get some physical activity into your routine. Grab some mates to kick the footy or shoot some hoops! Plus, keep plenty of greens on your plate and get a good night’s sleep.

Post 1 - Do things that make you happy (opens in new window)

Staying happy and healthy is all about doing what makes you feel good. So take time to enjoy yourself.

Post 2 - Yarn to someone you trust (opens in new window)

Quality time with your mob is what makes life special, and it’s a great way to look after yourself.

Post 3 - Connect to country and culture (opens in new window)

Staying in touch with country and culture is important and a great way to look after yourself.

Post 4 - Yarn to someone you trust (opens in new window)

Not feeling like yourself lately? Take some time and have a yarn with someone you trust.

Post 5 - Stay active (opens in new window)

Having a healthy body helps to keep you emotionally strong and connected, so make time to get some activity into your routine.

Page last updated20 August 2024