Effects of Gunja
- your mood, it may make you feel very relaxed and sleepy or even make you laugh a lot
- You may get 'the munchies' and become very hungry
- It makes your heart go faster, eyes get red, mouth gets dry and breathing becomes harder
- It slows you down, you don't react quickly, you can't concentrate very well, and you start thinking differently
- Some people, when they smoke can get paranoid (fearful and suspicious), worried or restless. When someone gets paranoid they may think people are after them. Some people may see or hear things that aren't there. This can last a few hours or more
- Some people have unsafe sex when they are stoned. This puts them at risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), a Blood-borne virus (BBV), and unplanned pregnancies
- To stop looking after yourself. You may feel very lazy
- To become forgetful, which can affect your work or school
- Gunja puts pressure on families. It can cost a lot of money.
- To have relationship problems
- Some people feel they have to be stoned all the time and can't live without it
- You're more likely to get in trouble with the law because gunja is illegal and sometimes you do silly things when you're stoned
- To behave antisocially, which includes stealing money and lying
- It can also cause respiratory problems like chest infections or other health problems like cancers
Reducing Harm
There is no safe level of gunja use. The more you use, the more likely you will be harmed. To reduce harm, you can:
- Have healthy food around so you don't eat junk food when stoned. If you have got the munchies make sure you leave some food for your family
- If you get very fearful, anxious, depressed or paranoid when you are stoned, it shows that gunja is causing you problems and your body doesn't like it. If necessary get some help from a family member or health worker
- Never drive or operate machinery if you are stoned
- You shouldn't get stoned in dangerous places
- You shouldn't use getting stoned as an excuse to break the law (Aboriginal Law or non-Aboriginal Law)
- Always have safe sex and always use a condom
- Think about how your gunja use could be affecting your family and community
- If in a group, stay together
- If your friend becomes very paranoid (suspicious and fearful) or sad when stoned, tell them these feelings will pass and try to keep them calm. Never leave them alone when they are feeling like this. If necessary get some help from a family member or health worker
- If you or someone you know experiences any breathing issues or passes out when using gunja make sure you call an ambulance straight away -dial (000)

Getting Help
If you are thinking about reducing your drug use you might like some help or information.
If you are worried about somebody and how their drug use is affecting you and your family, perhaps you would like some help.
It may not be easy reducing your drug use but your friends, family and other people in your community can support you to make changes.
Page last updated20 August 2024